Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Beginning

Can a man write his own destiny?

It was a question poised by a friend on a beautiful evening by the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok. The lights from buildings nearby reflects on the water flow down below creating a fantastic crystal like movement, then it flashes twinkling lights under the shimmering moonlight.

The evening was too beautiful to describe, and such a question suddenly became all too sentimental which does require sentimental answer.

I had never planned my life, unlike the mighty Chao Phraya that is shaped in each and every turn and twist, then the water helplessly ends in the Gulf of Thailand and into the South China Sea. I never knew what I've always wanted to be.

One thing for certain, it has been a fantastic journey that began in small village on the foot of the Salak mountain, a journey that took me to major corners of the world leaving stories behind, memories and 'life' as you'd call it, great friends and 'counterparts' in Sydney, Bangkok, Washington, Houston, Singapore, Jakarta, and of course the rain city.

The stories will be kind to me, for I intend to write it...



    komen pertama buat blognya.. selamat atas persmian rumah barunya om Pa Dudi Paskud..

    komen kedua buat desain template yag hejoooo ... terima kasih.. terima kasih... nice kolor .. menyejukan bukaaan...

    belum baca psotingannya siih.. jadi nanti komen buat postingannya ya ya ya...

  2. hmm... mmmm... mmm...

  3. ketigax

    duh macana kudu make kamus ieu mah euy,tp sae deuh mang

    Mangga mang di lajeungkeun tulisana supados mendunia hingga ke langit ketujuh,,,,

    sakali deui selamat atas rumah baruna BNR pan???hayah hehehe

  4. setuju juragan FIM
    *milarian kamus

  5. The world is beautiful in your words ... keep it that way ^_^

  6. meni make bahasa linggis...teu ngartiiiii...hahahahahaha

  7. the destiny is in our own hands...whether you will become a director or you will become as a criminal, keep working and try your best buddy

  8. "Destiny is to build a bridge to the one you love"
    tah eta ceuk dina film "My Sassy Girl", abdi ge teu ngartos :D

  9. Nuhun sadayana...punteun abdi ge nuju belajar bhs linggis jd wayahna we nyak hehe..
